Speak Volumes with Love : Red Rose Bouquet & Personalized Letter
A stunning bouquet of 150 beautiful red roses designed into a bouquet with white roses incorporated to make a letter. Choose this bouquet if you would like to add the first initial of a name or a sweet charm. We can add any initial you like using the white roses. Just let us know and we will customise this bouquet to suit you.
A stunning lavish bouquet of 150 long-lasting red and white roses. This bouquet with its personalisation will make anyone’s day!
Express your love in a way that transcends words with Plaza Hollandi’s Red Rose Bouquet and Personalized Letter combination. This classic and romantic package features a stunning bouquet of vibrant red roses, the universal symbol of passionate love, paired with a heartfelt letter penned by you.
Love Defined in Every Bloom:
- Fresh and Fragrant Red Roses: A symbol of unwavering devotion, these blooms fill the room with a delightful scent.
- Expertly Designed: Our florists meticulously arrange the roses to create a visually stunning and captivating display.
- The Power of Words: Express your deepest emotions and personalize your gesture with a handwritten letter. Share a cherished memory, a heartfelt message, or a future dream – the choice is yours.
A Gift that Touches the Heart:
- Effortless Expression: This combination simplifies expressing your love in a meaningful way.
- Perfect for Every Love Story: Ideal for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, or simply to remind someone special how much you care.
- A Lasting Keepsake: The beautiful roses will bring joy, while the personalized letter becomes a cherished treasure.
Order before 5 pm for same day delivery anywhere in Qatar.
Don’t forget to let us know which letter you would like. Contact us on WhatsApp.
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